Write smarter with the latest AI models.

Express yourself with the help of AI.

Type uses state-of-the-art language models like OpenAI’s GPT-4o and Anthropic’s Claude 3 to help you write better.

Choose your favorite LLM

Select your preferred AI model to assist with your writing. Each language model has different strengths.

Generate accurate content

Shave time off your final fact-check thanks to GPT-4o and Claude 3, which generate more accurate content.

Mimic any writing style

Generate content much closer to your preferred voice, thanks to Type's powerful AI models.

Integrate AI into your writing process with ease.

No matter what stage of the writing process you're in, Type's writing AI can help.

Generate better ideas

Chat with GPT-4o and Claude 3 to expand your concepts. Type's writing AI can help you conduct research, generate outlines, brainstorm ideas, and refine concepts.

Start with a full page

Feed PDFs, Docs, and URLs to extract useful information and generate documents using Type's powerful AI.

Get feedback from a smart editor

Type goes beyond just grammar checking to help with the harder parts of editing. Job hunting? Ask Type Chat to review your cover letter from the perspective of a hiring manager, or ask it to paraphrase some lengthy text.

Nail the rewrite

Stop pasting your work into ChatGPT. Just highlight text directly inside your document and have Type's AI make revisions for you.

Get started with a writing template

Select an expert-curated writing template and Type’s AI will fill it out with your ideas.

Loved by writers, founders, marketers, and busy professionals.

Whether you run your own business, write a blog, or just need to communicate effectively with your co-workers, Type is your tool.

Type is for

Racquel Narciso
branding & creative lead
"Type jumpstarts the creative process and banishes the blank page. Underneath its gorgeous UI are powerful features for generating ideas, querying your document, experimenting with different models, and formatting your work with ease."
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Type is for

Dan Li
ceo & Co-founder, Plus
"With Type, our blog writing is faster, better, and easier than ever before. In 3 months, our organic search traffic grew by 120%."
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Type is for
Business Owners

Stephanie Riel
"Type is a game changer for me and my business! It's one of those products I find more and more utility from every day. I use it to help me with everything from writing copy and doing research to editing my work. I'm a Type fan for life."
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Type is for

Brandon Burns
"I've had an incredible experience using Type! It helps me easily transform my text, and it uses my document as context to ensure my writing is consistent and coherent. I recommend Type to anyone looking to enhance their writing and productivity."
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  • Type’s AI text editor, generator, and writing assistant
  • Access to the newest, most powerful AI models including GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet
  • Priority support via Discord and email
  • Unlimited documents
  • Money-back guarantee
Start writing for free
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